oranj community blog

keep up to date and learn from members of the oranj family!

Naomi Keane & Shannon Hamel

Recent Posts

Creative Ways to Stay Active

For many of us who have been thinking about getting in shape or starting a new fitness routine, getting started can be the toughest part. Like anything new, there is an initial learning curve. We may have the necessary motivation, but need help getting started. In...

The Importance of Strength Training for Women

What is your go to routine when you pick your weekly classes or plan your gym routine? Do you tend to stick with one style of class or maybe just love focusing on your cardio (because, hello, race season is coming!). Whatever your go to is – we want to challenge you...

Warm Up this Winter with a Meditation Practice

Winter is in the air! For us at oranj fitness Airdrie, not only does that mean we are bundling up before heading outside, but we are also focusing on staying on track with our goals, and living a stress-free season. Winter can be a busy and stressful time of year....